Searching for Aussie Venues in Thailand
MessageBoard ข้อความกระดานบอร์ด
We created a unqiue section in our Travel Thailand website - seeking all Aussie venues in Thailand http://www.thailand.austhai.biz/aussie-venues you can submit contact details or be a deputy reporter so.... visit Thailand and represent AusWaThai... submit your travel reports into this foru...
A Community Website Created
W.A.Thai ออสเตรเลียตะวันตกกับประเทศไทย
The website www.wat.austhai.biz was created to Promote the WA Thai Community The focus of this website is Promote the LOCAL COMMUNITY How you can help 1. Thai Yellow Pages Directory - submit details of all things thai to share with other thai and Aussie What helps other thai people eith...
A - Adding entries for Travel WA
WA (West Australia) - General ออสเตรเลียตะวันตก-ทั่วไป
The theme of this forum is to promote items of interest to Thailand. The items can be about People places and things ... anything that is interesting for people from another country. In May 2009 we drafted a website to help Thai Travellers visiting Perth WA (West Australia) www.twa.auswathai.com...
How do we meet Thai people in Perth W.A.????
MessageBoard ข้อความกระดานบอร์ด
Hi everyone I'm an West Australian and frequently travel to / from Thailand to places in Australia. My thai wife (Nim) has tried to find Thai people in Perth W.A. during our visits, we have visited some Thai restaurants and video stores but if they are busy then you don't have much chance to mingle We vi...
Thai doctors in Perth W.A.
MessageBoard ข้อความกระดานบอร์ด
Good morning. Can anyone advise if there are any Thai or Thai speaking doctors in the Perth area please. Thankyou
Looking for a mature lady Thai nanny/babysitter in the rockingham area.
MessageBoard ข้อความกระดานบอร์ด
We travel to Thailand often and absolutley love the culture and would love to find a mature Thai women to help with our 2 children. -- Edited by fentyla on Friday 25th of June 2010 08:48:45 PM
How to contact Thai People in Perth W.A. (West Australia)
MessageBoard ข้อความกระดานบอร์ด
I am hoping you may be able to steer me in the right direction regarding making contact with members of the Thai community in Perth. This is in a social context rather than business. I have spent some hours on the various WA Thai / linked sites, the friends club may be business linked, the '' newsletter...
Thai dancing for kids
MessageBoard ข้อความกระดานบอร์ด
Hi all , wondering if there is anyware in Perth for kids to learn Thai dancing ? my 2 year old daughter was in Udon Thani for 3 months and learnt some Thai dancing with her cousin and absolutely loves it ,would be great to continue the traditional teaching along with the Thai language , anyway any repl...
Thai Buddhist Temples in Perth
MessageBoard ข้อความกระดานบอร์ด
Can we start a list of Thai temples in Perth please? I can find only temples related to Archan Bram and his associated monasteries with the BSWA. Can not find temples run by ethnic Thai monks at all. I think a comprehensive and complete list should be made available for enquirers. Thanks you, sawa...
Asoke PA Concierge - Join the Team
Business - Thailand and Australia ธุรกิจ-ประเทศไทยกับออสเตรเลีย
TEAM MEMBERS WANTED Asoke PA Personal Assist (translated: Laeh kha suan dtua) FASTRACK SERVICE for the a busy traveller or short stay. Our priority is Orientate, Translate and Negotiate for your seamless experience. How it started A group of frequent visito...
Guests/Visitors .. Join this forum ... see why
MessageBoard ข้อความกระดานบอร์ด
Why join this forum It's free - only require a user name and email address (any problem trying to register please E: forumhelp@austhai.biz) We are Community based - help us exist by joiningif we do not have a member base we have no measurement to reward our volunteers. By joining you show your...