Thailand and Australia - Compare Culture (dispell some myths)
Bilateral Projects โครงการระหว่างสองประเทศ
Lets face it....... the moment you mention Thailand the "knee jerk" reaction from most people is Prostitution and corruption There are Bars, nightclubs, Prostitution and Corruption is everywhere in the world. Unfortunately the media sensationalise, because people like a good story and Tha...
World Happiness Map?
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.. is it true File: World happiness From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article or section may contain unpublished synthesis of published material that conveys ideas not attributable to the original sources. See the talk page for details. Summary: Satisfaction with Life Index Map - Map...
a friend is one who knows us but loves is anyway
MessageBoard ข้อความกระดานบอร์ด
click on the 1st photo below and enjoy the slide show link to best "E Networks" for Thai & Aus
How to be Thai ex-pat
Thailand People / Culture / Food (not Places) ประเทศไทย-คนไทย/วัฒนธรรม/อาหาร(ไม่ใช่สถานที่)
Info copied from 1stBangkok OK, try riding your motorbike, one hand holding an umbrella, the other hand sending an sms, steering with your knee and then suddenly dropping everything to offer a quick wai to a roadside spirit house before crossing four lanes of traffic to make a sudden U-turn because y...
Free Hugs (Gaawt) Thailand … กอด ฟรี !! คับ พี่น้อง
MessageBoard ข้อความกระดานบอร์ด
Hugging Free Hugs (Gaawt) at Thailand. It’s Lovely of Culture between The West and The East…..May Farang is lovely so much. .. I like this idea. I need hug …….. *Huggin...
Foreign Men meet Thai Women .. หญิงไทยกับชายต่างชาติ (ฝรั่ง)
Thailand People / Culture / Food (not Places) ประเทศไทย-คนไทย/วัฒนธรรม/อาหาร(ไม่ใช่สถานที่)
2 this videos. I did not focus on “buy” or business (No one place in the World). But I’m interested and feel like telling stories about life or experience. One day when you have to see and to choose way of life. Also comments on videos. Cause I can learn and understand the life of some Thai and so...
Tongue Twister - English and Thai Words การพูดติดขัด
Translation and Language (not culture) topics การแปลและภาษา(ไม่ใช่วัฒนธรรม)
This is Thai tongue twister. When you try to speak those words quickly, sometimes the sound will change. That makes it funny. 1st section is thai words and video - for thai people then some Thai words Farang can't say 2nd section is English words and video - for english people then some words English...
History Mystery about the U.S.A.
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History Mystery Have a history teacher explain this----- if they can. Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946. Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860. John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960. Both were particularly concerned...
Only in your Country - we are all the same but we are all so different
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Enjoy the PPS slideshow below
We need to take care of our Future - climate control
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Check out the PPS slideshow below and pass on the link to your friends
The difference between Dogs and people
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Ever wondered by "dog I mans best friend?" check out the testimonials in the attached pps slide show below - or click here -- Edited by Lucky on Saturday 28th of August 2010 07:34:37 PM
English Signs "engrish sighs" (funny stuff)
Comedy - funny stuff เรื่องขำขำทั่วไป
Funny signs .... Asian versions of English .. good for a laugh The images have been embedded inside a pdf document .. the document is an attachment at the bottom of this post... click on it to open ... or click here RELATED ARTICLES (the articles have been tagged with key words) 1. COMEDY-FEMALE m...
Motivation - "you have no problems"
MessageBoard ข้อความกระดานบอร์ด
Wonderful video about achievement and stop thinking your life has problems
Teenagers are you Tired of being Harassed by stupid Parents, Bosses (grown ups!)
Comedy - funny stuff เรื่องขำขำทั่วไป
Thailand Supertitions - Ghost Culture
Thailand People / Culture / Food (not Places) ประเทศไทย-คนไทย/วัฒนธรรม/อาหาร(ไม่ใช่สถานที่)
Ghosts and the supernatural is a deeply rooted belief in Thai culture, it’s origins are dated well before the introduction of Buddhism when in fact the religion, rather the beliefs were devotion of animism. Animism (from Latin anima "soul, life") is a philosophical, spiritual idea t...
She cut of his "you know what"
Thailand People / Culture / Food (not Places) ประเทศไทย-คนไทย/วัฒนธรรม/อาหาร(ไม่ใช่สถานที่)
Woman trashes husband's member PETCHABOON: -- A woman in the northern province Phetchaboon was arrested last month for cutting off her husband’s penis and throwing it into a trash can at the local bus station. Buariow Wannarat, 54, was caught at a police checkpoint while on a bus to Bangkok. Police e...
Expats Guide to the Thailand culture .. how they think
Thailand People / Culture / Food (not Places) ประเทศไทย-คนไทย/วัฒนธรรม/อาหาร(ไม่ใช่สถานที่)
excellent media article written by a local Thai in Bangkok copied the article hereunder I have come to realise that many of my readers are foreigners (or farang as they are affectionately called in Thailand. Therefore I thought it would be especially useful for the farang to understand the personal...
Thai language is as rich in metaphor as any language is
Thailand People / Culture / Food (not Places) ประเทศไทย-คนไทย/วัฒนธรรม/อาหาร(ไม่ใช่สถานที่)
Old Snake Heads and Butterflies of the Night… The kinds of metaphors that you will come into contact with will all depend on what level of society you hang out with. It is a good idea to keep the drinking buddies’ metaphors separate from the HiSo matron metaphors. One group of metaphors goes over well wi...
hey Farang! do you know when you've become a local
Thailand People / Culture / Food (not Places) ประเทศไทย-คนไทย/วัฒนธรรม/อาหาร(ไม่ใช่สถานที่)
As a very popular vacation and retirement destination, Thailand has a pretty large expat population. This is especially true in Bangkok, Chiang Mai and many of the coastal and island locations. You can hardly walk down many streets without seeing a Westerner in many locations. Many of the Westerne...
These Thais ... why don't they have Forward Thinking?
Problems of the World / Community ปัญหาต่างๆบนโลกหรือสังคม
Maybe this is just an Issan trait, and I don't think it applies to Chinese-Thais as much. Have you ever noticed Thais simply don't have forward thinking abilities though? Maybe I just know the wrong Thais, but there doesn't seem to be much of this, "I want to do this, but if I do, this will probably h...
Travel tips: Grading Accommodation Standards
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This article relates to the Development of a Tourism Database Bangkok Everyone is welcome to contribute venues.... About ... Grading system for Tour Accommodation Self catering Self catering accommodation is the provision of living accommodation for fixed term rental for holiday and bu...
Travel tips: Grading Bars and Restaurant Standards
MessageBoard ข้อความกระดานบอร์ด
This article relates to the Development of a Tourism Database Bangkok Everyone is welcome to contribute venues.... About ... Grading system for Bars and RESTAURANTS a five point scale, after considering the food, service, ambiance, wine list, value and overall dining experience. A separa...
Travel tips: Grading "Tour Venue" Standards.. how many stars
MessageBoard ข้อความกระดานบอร์ด
This article relates to the Development of a Tourism Database Bangkok Everyone is welcome to contribute venues.... About ... Grading system for Tour venues... Cllearly the most subjective topic Hospitality Industry; Hotel, Bars and Restaurants have a generaly accepted value system and in the...