the 7 traits Managers Find Irresistible
Business - Thailand and Australia ธุรกิจ-ประเทศไทยกับออสเตรเลีย
Want to know why so many employees focus so much attention on the boss these days? Because the boss controls their work lives? That's true, but it's not the main reason. Because the boss holds the key to untold treasures, raises, and promotions? True again, but that's not it either. Employees focu...
10 Employee types that send you up the wall!
Business - Thailand and Australia ธุรกิจ-ประเทศไทยกับออสเตรเลีย
COMMENTARY I've had employees I wanted to strangle. I've also had CEOs who wanted to strangle me. I don't blame them. I can be pretty annoying at times. But overall, the pluses usually outweighed the minuses so no crimes were committed and everyone lived to work another day. That said, some employee...
Seven (7) great things employees do well
Business - Thailand and Australia ธุรกิจ-ประเทศไทยกับออสเตรเลีย
COMMENTARY This definitely isn't the first time somebody's written about what makes employees special. But it may very well be the first time someone's telling you what will genuinely get your management excited about you and ultimately get you promoted. No kidding.Look, you've got to understa...
Are You Sabotaging Your Own Career? Probably
Business - Thailand and Australia ธุรกิจ-ประเทศไทยกับออสเตรเลีย
When things don't go your way, it's a hell of a lot easier to blame it on someone else than take personal responsibility for what happened. Come on, don't sit there and tell me you've never done that. Of course you have. Everybody has. I mean, doesn't it feel really good to go home and rant about your lunat...
10 ways to make everyone at work hate you
Business - Thailand and Australia ธุรกิจ-ประเทศไทยกับออสเตรเลีย
()Remember when you were a kid and your parents and teachers tried to get you to play nice with the other children? You didn't listen, did you?If that describes you, then you're probably still doing the same thing, except now, you're doing it at work. And I can tell you this: It'll come back to haunt you...
Why Success is all about Relationships
Business - Thailand and Australia ธุรกิจ-ประเทศไทยกับออสเตรเลีย
(Image courtesy of Flickr user thelastminute)(MoneyWatch) COMMENTARY Now more than ever, there never seems to be enough time to get things done. Why that is, I don't know. But I do know that, in an era of social networking, telecommuting and virtual meetings, when it comes to work, the one thing t...
The 10 Reasons Why Your Network is Your Biggest Asset
Business - Thailand and Australia ธุรกิจ-ประเทศไทยกับออสเตรเลีย
What's a senior executive's biggest asset? Most would say it's their network. Not their social network, their real network. Ten thousand Twitter followers or Facebookfans aren't worth ten solid network relationships to an executive. Not that social media isn't one way to make those contact...
How to Schmooze Your Way to Business Success
Business - Thailand and Australia ธุรกิจ-ประเทศไทยกับออสเตรเลีย
Anyone who says that schmoozing isn't critical to business success is just being disingenuous. It's certainly been a big part of my success. If you knew me, this would come as no surprise. My wife calls me a BSer. There may be some truth to that on a personal level, but when it comes to business, I take sch...
7 tips to manage your boss -- and yourself
Business - Thailand and Australia ธุรกิจ-ประเทศไทยกับออสเตรเลีย
Sometimes I think employees think their bosses are all-knowing and all-seeing, like a divine being or Santa Claus. They're not. They're regular flesh and blood people, just like you and me. And they've got bigger things to worry about than you. Not only that, but the reverse is also true. At least it s...
Which one are you ..... self-analysis
MessageBoard ข้อความกระดานบอร์ด
The emphasis of I’m okay, you’re okay, a self-help classic from the 1960s, is “helping people understand how their life position affects their communications (transactions) and relationships.” The positions outlined are:I'm not okay, you're okayI'm not okay, you're not okayI'm okay, you're...
Truly amazing mind study
MessageBoard ข้อความกระดานบอร์ด
Use Your BrainI've seen this with the letters out of order, but this is the first time I've seen it with numbersmbers,“ F1gur471v3ly 5p34k1ng? ” Good example of a Brain Study: if you can read this, ostensibly you have a strong mind:7H15 M3554G353RV35 7O PR0V3H0W 0UR M1ND5 C4ND0 4M4Z1NG 7H1NG5!1...
Toxic Behaviour Workshop with Mitch Kusy - 1st March
MessageBoard ข้อความกระดานบอร์ด
* HR EDGE: In your extremely insightful book, you expose the dynamics of the toxic workplace and provide practitioners with clear guidance on how to deal with this serious problem. The book’s rich observations stem from the exhaustive research you conducted with over 400 business leaders, man...