The disaster of Money for some thai Girls
Thailand People / Culture / Food (not Places) ประเทศไทย-คนไทย/วัฒนธรรม/อาหาร(ไม่ใช่สถานที่)
Think Seriously Before Sending Money to Thai Girls Thai Girls Dream Quoted by a reference to a Scook Teacher that lived in Thailand......Back in the days when I taught English in Bangkok, beautiful 19 to 21 year old Thai girls dominated all of my classes. One of the topics my students enjoyed was "...
Thailand People / Culture / Food (not Places) ประเทศไทย-คนไทย/วัฒนธรรม/อาหาร(ไม่ใช่สถานที่)
We hope this information will help you understand our customs and us. It is normal to have both good and bad things and both good and bad people everywhere in the world. Most nice Thai ladies have been taught to be faithful, sincere, grateful, obedient, and instructed in the skills and duties to please...
Are you misunderstanding Thais ?
Thailand People / Culture / Food (not Places) ประเทศไทย-คนไทย/วัฒนธรรม/อาหาร(ไม่ใช่สถานที่)
Are You Misunderstanding Thais ? or just NEVER understand them. Most westerners will never understand Thais or Thailand. Even some of those, like me, who have lived here for years and speak reasonable Thai still misunderstand much about Thailand and Thais.Living in Thailand, I hear weste...
" Sin-Sod " The first step to marry Thai girl
Thailand People / Culture / Food (not Places) ประเทศไทย-คนไทย/วัฒนธรรม/อาหาร(ไม่ใช่สถานที่)
The first step in marrying a Thai girl is to have someone approach the ladies parents to discuss the "Tong Mun" and "Sin Sod." "Tong Mun" which means "gold engagement" is actual 24 karat gold jewelry given to the lady. This is similar to the western engage...
Foreign Men meet Thai Women .. หญิงไทยกับชายต่างชาติ (ฝรั่ง)
Thailand People / Culture / Food (not Places) ประเทศไทย-คนไทย/วัฒนธรรม/อาหาร(ไม่ใช่สถานที่)
2 this videos. I did not focus on “buy” or business (No one place in the World). But I’m interested and feel like telling stories about life or experience. One day when you have to see and to choose way of life. Also comments on videos. Cause I can learn and understand the life of some Thai and so...
a friend is one who knows us but loves is anyway
MessageBoard ข้อความกระดานบอร์ด
click on the 1st photo below and enjoy the slide show link to best "E Networks" for Thai & Aus
A Young Man's story: "I LOVE YOU MOM "
W.A.Thai ออสเตรเลียตะวันตกกับประเทศไทย
My mom only had one eye. I hated her... She was such an embarrassment... She cooked for students & teachers to support the family... There was this one day during elementary school where my mom came to Say hello to me. I was so embarrassed. How could she do this to me? I ignored...
Love story, Aussie man and Thai girl.
W.A.Thai ออสเตรเลียตะวันตกกับประเทศไทย
LOVE This word it is very important in the human life... We have many different kind of loves on earth... But in common thing of love is we want to give the best thing on earth to the people or the things we love... I ever heard the Learned say "Love is can change the world"....
What will you do if one day you found your boyfriend were Gay!!!
W.A.Thai ออสเตรเลียตะวันตกกับประเทศไทย
Gay... Nowaday people are already well known of this word... Gay is mean homosexual, as men love men... Now, most of people are accept the relathionship like this... In some of counthies man can married to other man same as man married to women... As we...