Are you misunderstanding Thais ?
Thailand People / Culture / Food (not Places) ประเทศไทย-คนไทย/วัฒนธรรม/อาหาร(ไม่ใช่สถานที่)
Are You Misunderstanding Thais ? or just NEVER understand them. Most westerners will never understand Thais or Thailand. Even some of those, like me, who have lived here for years and speak reasonable Thai still misunderstand much about Thailand and Thais.Living in Thailand, I hear weste...
Thailand People / Culture / Food (not Places) ประเทศไทย-คนไทย/วัฒนธรรม/อาหาร(ไม่ใช่สถานที่)
This song became famous among Australians in South Vietnam. There is hardly and Aussie who served there that did not know it, but these days most only remember the first verse. It is sung to the tune of The Children’s Marching Song (from the film, The Inn of the Sixth Happiness – 1958 starring Ingrid Be...
A word about the seedy side of Thailand.
Thailand People / Culture / Food (not Places) ประเทศไทย-คนไทย/วัฒนธรรม/อาหาร(ไม่ใช่สถานที่)
Many years ago there was an entry in the Macquarie Dictionary that went like this;
Thailand, A place of beautiful temples and many prostitutes.
Well, you don't think the Thai government of the time didn't like that very much.
They took out ads every where possible saying that there was absolutely...
“Thai Culture” The Do's and Don'ts According to Thai Culture
Thailand People / Culture / Food (not Places) ประเทศไทย-คนไทย/วัฒนธรรม/อาหาร(ไม่ใช่สถานที่)
SOCIAL CUSTOMSThais greet one another with a 'Wai'. Thais consider the head to be venerable and thus one should not touch anybody's head. If touching anyone's head by accident, it is wise to apologise to him/her immediately. Thais consider the feet to be lowly and thus one should not put one’s fe...
A Fashion style which is cultural and unique
Comedy - funny stuff เรื่องขำขำทั่วไป
wow.. how would have thought such a fashion culture would be so incredibly popular i'm just not sure if they are all women RELATED ARTICLES: 1. COMEDY-FEMALE making fun of girls 2. COMEDY-MALE making fun of guys 3. Comed...
Foreign Men meet Thai Women .. หญิงไทยกับชายต่างชาติ (ฝรั่ง)
Thailand People / Culture / Food (not Places) ประเทศไทย-คนไทย/วัฒนธรรม/อาหาร(ไม่ใช่สถานที่)
2 this videos. I did not focus on “buy” or business (No one place in the World). But I’m interested and feel like telling stories about life or experience. One day when you have to see and to choose way of life. Also comments on videos. Cause I can learn and understand the life of some Thai and so...
World Happiness Map?
MessageBoard ข้อความกระดานบอร์ด
.. is it true File: World happiness From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article or section may contain unpublished synthesis of published material that conveys ideas not attributable to the original sources. See the talk page for details. Summary: Satisfaction with Life Index Map - Map...
How to be Thai ex-pat
Thailand People / Culture / Food (not Places) ประเทศไทย-คนไทย/วัฒนธรรม/อาหาร(ไม่ใช่สถานที่)
Info copied from 1stBangkok OK, try riding your motorbike, one hand holding an umbrella, the other hand sending an sms, steering with your knee and then suddenly dropping everything to offer a quick wai to a roadside spirit house before crossing four lanes of traffic to make a sudden U-turn because y...
Thailand mothers day 12th August - my sons never forget it.
W.A.Thai ออสเตรเลียตะวันตกกับประเทศไทย
On the 12th of Augst, is the mother's day in my country Thailand. I already forgot it... It is because I have left my own country for more then two years... And I working and studying very hard everyday. Yes, I have left my own country...
These Thais ... why don't they have Forward Thinking?
Problems of the World / Community ปัญหาต่างๆบนโลกหรือสังคม
Maybe this is just an Issan trait, and I don't think it applies to Chinese-Thais as much. Have you ever noticed Thais simply don't have forward thinking abilities though? Maybe I just know the wrong Thais, but there doesn't seem to be much of this, "I want to do this, but if I do, this will probably h...