The Down-Trodden Rural Poor of Thailand - It's not quite what you think...
Thailand People / Culture / Food (not Places) ประเทศไทย-คนไทย/วัฒนธรรม/อาหาร(ไม่ใช่สถานที่)
Here's what you need to know about the rural have-nots of Thailand. They are the richest poor people in the Third World. And they owe none of their affluence to Thaksin Shinawatra. Fugitive former Prime Minster Thaksin, a billionaire wanted in connection with corruption and tax-evasion on a stagg...
Thai Protests Explained - 2010
Thailand People / Culture / Food (not Places) ประเทศไทย-คนไทย/วัฒนธรรม/อาหาร(ไม่ใช่สถานที่)
I came across this article written by an American (Al Parker) it's a interesting persepctive and somewhat convincing .. I have copied the article ... ==================================================================================================
Are you misunderstanding Thais ?
Thailand People / Culture / Food (not Places) ประเทศไทย-คนไทย/วัฒนธรรม/อาหาร(ไม่ใช่สถานที่)
Are You Misunderstanding Thais ? or just NEVER understand them. Most westerners will never understand Thais or Thailand. Even some of those, like me, who have lived here for years and speak reasonable Thai still misunderstand much about Thailand and Thais.Living in Thailand, I hear weste...
“Thai Culture” The Do's and Don'ts According to Thai Culture
Thailand People / Culture / Food (not Places) ประเทศไทย-คนไทย/วัฒนธรรม/อาหาร(ไม่ใช่สถานที่)
SOCIAL CUSTOMSThais greet one another with a 'Wai'. Thais consider the head to be venerable and thus one should not touch anybody's head. If touching anyone's head by accident, it is wise to apologise to him/her immediately. Thais consider the feet to be lowly and thus one should not put one’s fe...
Political colours in Thailand by an American ExPat
MessageBoard ข้อความกระดานบอร์ด
I received this email circular and thought it was worth adding to the forum for your reading.... A message from an American expat who worked &stayed in Thailand.... An excerpt from a recent post I made on The Daily Beast: I'm an American and live and work in Bangkok for an international compan...
Thailand goes after financial backers of 'red shirts'
MessageBoard ข้อความกระดานบอร์ด
BANGKOK -- Victorious over rice farmers in flip-flops and riffraff with slingshots, molotov ****tails and a few guns, the commander in chief of the Royal Thai Army has moved swiftly to contain another menace: a golf-loving steel tycoon and maker of Nestle instant coffee Multimillionaire busine...
2010-05-22 Bangkok - the big clean up
Event Dates
On the streets of Bangkok on Sunday, a frenzied clean-up was under way to ... Many wore T-shirts printed with a slogan that read "Together We Can" and a .... Psychiatric care to rural people led to trauma. Help them now! ... Thailand's prime minister said that Bangkok would get back to business on Monda...
Thailand Politics - and exclusive interview
MessageBoard ข้อความกระดานบอร์ด
An exclusive interview with Nation editor-in-chief Suthichai Yoon, Professor Stephen Young - credited among those who discovered the bronze-age site of Ban Chiang in northeastern Thailand in 1966 (now a Unesco world-heritage site) - deplores the "ridiculous" national division he...