2010-11 Co hosted Aus & Thai Govt Seminar "making TAFTA work for you"
17/11 AusWathai media flew into Thailand to join a major seminar co-hosted by Aus & Thai Government. The venue was the spectacular "Holiday in", Pattaya and well patronised: attendees of 180+ were from various business sectors. Moderator: Chairmain Mike Courtnall from A.T.I. ensure...
Asoke PA Concierge - Join the Team
TEAM MEMBERS WANTED Asoke PA Personal Assist (translated: Laeh kha suan dtua) FASTRACK SERVICE for the a busy traveller or short stay. Our priority is Orientate, Translate and Negotiate for your seamless experience. How it started A group of frequent visito...
Best Summer Holidays in Maleme
Winter Holidays in Thailand but the best summer Holidays is in Maleme Chania at Mike Hotels and Apartments .
Business Deals?
Hola Everyone, Just want to ask anybody out there if they undergo some investment banking? I've tried LA office of Atalyst and it seems really great. Would love to hear your thoughts about it.
13/Feb/2014 - The Best Networking Luncheon in Town!
Bangkok Now aka BNOW is hosting a networking luncheon on Thursday February 13rd, 2014 from 11.00am to 1:30pm at the Foreign Correspondent Club of Thailand, www.fccthai.com, Maneeya Building, BTS Chidlom. [Early Bird cut off Feb 7th] The BBC is different because it is a proactive way to network wit...
Bangkok Business Connections (BBC) The Best Networking Luncheon in Town! - On February 13th, 2014
Bangkok Business Connections (BBC)On February13th, 2014[Early Bird cut off Feb 7th]The Best Networking Luncheon in Town! Bangkok Now aka BNOW is hosting a networking luncheon on Thursday February 13th, 2014 from 11.00am to 1:30pm at the Foreign Correspondent Club of Thailand, www.fccthai....
Starting a business in Thailand
Hi, I'm an Aussie living in Perth and I'm looking to start a business in Thailand. Is there anyone out there who has started a business in Thailand and knows how to set up a Thai company or knows a resource that will tell me the how to do this?
Bangkok - Medical / Dental tours D.I.Y. (do it yourself)
We have created a platform for Aussies to consider the opportunity for World Class Services in Bangkok Thailand to suit their timeframe .,ie ., get better now (no waiting) and at a great price and receive extraordinary Thai Care and of course the savings justify the treat of a holiday we have include...
certificate of use city of miami
Certificate of Use property examination takes an individual property and before it could be offer you the lands available to sell or transferred of usage the title owners of the lands will be essential to provide you a Certificate of Use to Miami-Dade County. certificate of use city of miami
Electrolux Professional recently announced the global launch of its Line 5000 series washer extractors and tumble dryers
The Line 5000 generation, with its cutting edge technology, is another milestone in Electrolux Professional’s comprehensive range of laundry solutions. The range is built for a diverse array of professional requirements, from self-service, hospitality and industry to health providers and c...
20/June at Whales Belly: A fast and furious way to make new business contacts. (Early Bird expires June 14th)
20/June at Whales Belly: A fast and furious way to make new business contacts. (Early Bird expires June 14th)Join us for a networking extravaganza. Bangkok Now (BNOW) is hosting a Speed Networking evening on Thursday June 20th, 2013 from 7.30pm to 10:30pm at Whale’s Belly Restaurant & Bar, 39 B...
Best FREE Iphone apps
you have to give up about 10 minutes of your time but without doubt you will find about 10 to 20 brilliant free apps to download. The range is from good Business apps to Games ... CNN AUSTRALIA Best free iPhone apps - Mobile Phones USA BASED Top 148 Free iPhone Applications – 148Apps
Thai Restaurant/ Take Away *FOR SALE*
We are selling our Thai Restaurant/ Take Away in the Southern Suburbs of Cairns. ( Bentley Park) We currently sell from Tuesday-Sunday 4:30pm-8:30pm. Permitable to open 7 days if wish. Also can open Lunch Trade if need be. Great for a Husband and Wife to run with 2-3 extra staff. The business has be...
seek import cardboard boxes from Thailand
we are based in Perth West Australia 06-11-11 We get a 40 foot Hi Cube about every 4 weeks and Growing Usually had about 10 different prints in it and that equates to 2500 packets of 50 pizza boxes a container is normally carrying about 20 K aus of stockgenerally the following prices are( Each are Packe...
How to Schmooze Your Way to Business Success
Anyone who says that schmoozing isn't critical to business success is just being disingenuous. It's certainly been a big part of my success. If you knew me, this would come as no surprise. My wife calls me a BSer. There may be some truth to that on a personal level, but when it comes to business, I take sch...
Roaming reporter
7 tips to manage your boss -- and yourself
Sometimes I think employees think their bosses are all-knowing and all-seeing, like a divine being or Santa Claus. They're not. They're regular flesh and blood people, just like you and me. And they've got bigger things to worry about than you. Not only that, but the reverse is also true. At least it s...
Roaming reporter
The 10 Reasons Why Your Network is Your Biggest Asset
What's a senior executive's biggest asset? Most would say it's their network. Not their social network, their real network. Ten thousand Twitter followers or Facebookfans aren't worth ten solid network relationships to an executive. Not that social media isn't one way to make those contact...
Roaming reporter
Why Success is all about Relationships
(Image courtesy of Flickr user thelastminute)(MoneyWatch) COMMENTARY Now more than ever, there never seems to be enough time to get things done. Why that is, I don't know. But I do know that, in an era of social networking, telecommuting and virtual meetings, when it comes to work, the one thing t...
Roaming reporter
10 ways to make everyone at work hate you
()Remember when you were a kid and your parents and teachers tried to get you to play nice with the other children? You didn't listen, did you?If that describes you, then you're probably still doing the same thing, except now, you're doing it at work. And I can tell you this: It'll come back to haunt you...
Roaming reporter
Are You Sabotaging Your Own Career? Probably
When things don't go your way, it's a hell of a lot easier to blame it on someone else than take personal responsibility for what happened. Come on, don't sit there and tell me you've never done that. Of course you have. Everybody has. I mean, doesn't it feel really good to go home and rant about your lunat...
Roaming reporter
the 7 traits Managers Find Irresistible
Want to know why so many employees focus so much attention on the boss these days? Because the boss controls their work lives? That's true, but it's not the main reason. Because the boss holds the key to untold treasures, raises, and promotions? True again, but that's not it either. Employees focu...
Roaming reporter
10 Employee types that send you up the wall!
COMMENTARY I've had employees I wanted to strangle. I've also had CEOs who wanted to strangle me. I don't blame them. I can be pretty annoying at times. But overall, the pluses usually outweighed the minuses so no crimes were committed and everyone lived to work another day. That said, some employee...
Roaming reporter
Seven (7) great things employees do well
COMMENTARY This definitely isn't the first time somebody's written about what makes employees special. But it may very well be the first time someone's telling you what will genuinely get your management excited about you and ultimately get you promoted. No kidding.Look, you've got to understa...
Roaming reporter
Smart Goal setting .. have you tried it!
Have you hear of SMART GOALS Have you used SMART goals in your business before?SMART goals are a set of criteria to apply to your goals. SMART is an acronym forSpecific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time Bound.So rather than just setting goals without boundaries, using SMART goals ensur...
Roaming reporter
Work and holiday infusion - it works, just do it
I didn’t get all my work ‘done’ before my official holiday kick-off. It’s happened before, but this time it’s different because rather than stressing out about it, I’m bringing a bit of writing work on holiday with me. And I reckon my relationship management skills are benefiting from the fresh ene...
Roaming reporter
Aussie Exec Tours Bangkok 2011 - 2012
"Central Insurance Brokers", Perth, West Australia continue their dominate role as Industry leaders.Members are dually recognised for their achievement.... 6 days... Rest, Rejuvenate, Celebrate Tour LOS (Land of Smiles), Bangkok, Thailand.Their success is a collaborative...
seeking consultant for wine import into Thailand
Let me start with a small introduction of our company. We are Dare La Luce, a small wine-importing company in The Netherlands. We are specialized in Italian wines, at this moment from Tuscany, Le Marche and Veneto, but we expect to increase the number of wines we import and the regions these wines com...
Bangkok: Executive Tours Bkk a humble beginning
The tour project was conceived to support AusWaThai (Bilateral relations - Aus and Thai). The vision: Tours for Aussie Execs and thei team to Bangkok for Trade, Team Building, Health and Rejuvenation Timelines 2009-08 create website Exec Tours Bkk The development is a little slow b...
Executive Tour Bangkok Team II - Stash Outlook
Well as they say what happens in Bangkok, stays in Bangkok....... Not likley, I have to admitt after many years of spending the hours working and being a good little housewife/mum (I know I dont cook get over it) I was a little reluctant to leave my security of day to day hum drum & venture with the unk...