2. About the visa issues We applaud the collaborative guidance of visa officers – and where we experience it we acknowledge it but the fact is the majority of our experiences is the opposite of collaboration as shown by our evidence.
It was the very reason we contacted the dept and went and visited them. We explained that we have heard many negative reports and asked for their collaboration so we could understand the system and we may be able to educate the public to understand the system. Unfortunately that facts show that most of the facts quoted by the seniors officers are constantly contradicted by their staff and other senior officers, when we raise these points the managers are highly defensive. We make it very clear we have no personal agenda, our objective is very simple, to educate our reader base and populate goodwill between Aus and Thai. We constantly as the Dept for collaboration, if it is agreed at a meeting it is not supported and we find it very difficult to find out why, to that extend I can understand whey there are so many people raising speculation.
Further, please be aware as a tourist visa – there is no such thing as a sponsor or a guarantor, they only apply to certain business visa.
There does seem to be a problem with the Visa conditions .. that is... where you have the ability to offer financial guarantee.. for the simple reason that if you can afford a Bond .. then why not permit it? The fact is if you have the financial ability to sponsor or guarantee a foreigner then why not allow it.. it’s that simple. just put a price on it and we can all move forward.
I look forward to a great future for you and your Thai g.friend
We at Auswathai love Thailand and Thai people and wish he best for everyone that has a connection with Thailand and Thai people.
Hi just thought I would post a link with some really good information on gettin an Australian tourist Visa for your Thai girlfriend. It's http://touristvisablueprint.com.au/
I got one for my Thai partner while she was unemployed so it is possible provided the relationship is genuine and you can prove it.
WARNING: When you make a statutory declaration, you are declaring that the statements in it are true. If you intentionally make a false statement in a statutory declaration, you could be charged with an offence and, if convicted, you could be fined or jailed, or both. The provision of false or misleading information in this declaration is subject to penalties under the Statutory Declarations Act 1959 and the Migration Act 1958. The Statutory Declarations Act provides for penalties of up to 4 years imprisonment. Section 234 of the Migration Act carries a penalty of up to 10 years imprisonment for knowingly making a false statement in connection with a visa application.