Hi everyone, I am married to a wonderful mature Thai lady and we currently reside in Perth. When we married I had visions of moving to Thailand in the future. My wife joined me here after what seemed like a long battle with the Immigration department and now has her permanent residency visa. She has been back home a number of times but each time she returns seems more unhappy. I know she loves me dearly but Iknow she misses her children, family terribly and Thailand. So do I.
I am looking for a Seachange and a new challenge. I would like to gain employment that would enable us to live in Thailand or at least regularly commute. I love Thailand, my extended family and its people dearly. My heart is right when I am there.
My working background is in sales, supply and warehouse logistics. I could not see an opportunity to attach a document or I would have included a resume. Please contact me if you think you can help and I will behappy to supply more information.
Please understand that I am very flexible and welcome any new challenge. Living, loving and being with Thai people guarantees that life is full of wonderful surprises and new ways of looking at things. It is where I need to be.