2. Click here to convert this page to thai language (wait 10 seconds for conversion) Note: Translation Disclaimer.Many pages are automated by Google translator for free and may not be accurate (something is better than nothing). 2.คลิกที่นี่เพื่อแปลงเพจนี้เพื่อภาษาไทย (รอ 10 วินาทีสำหรับการสนทนา) หมายเหตุ:คำชี้แจงสิทธิแปล.มีหลายหน้าอัตโนมัติโดย Google แปลฟรีและอาจไม่ถูกต้อง (สิ่งที่ไม่มีอะไรจะดีกว่า).
if you selected option 2 and did not reach the correct webpage please notify the author of the article. The author has not changed the link from this page to their page.
This page was created because the section has become popular and we have created a special section
1. on Topics/posts/articles in this forum - to add/modify or comment - we have a section called user tips, see instructions below to find it or goto the home page.
2. Language and Translations - on our Homepage of AusWaThai we show a link to our website that can auto translate words or websites english to thai or thai to english, it also has a link to phonetic websites. We also include a link to our website to learn Thai (on our traverl thailand website) and learn english (on our Travel WA website)
3. The user Tips section includes a topic about how to create a translation link to your webpage (include forum topics)
Feedback appreciated
User tips to add entries according to what problems are reported
how to get to the user tips in the top right hand corner of the forum you can (or should) see the name AusWaThai in yellow with a green background..
about 2 cms down is another line showing in yellow with green background
home list all users search user details etc.,
click on the home link, it will reveal all forum topics, then select the topic "User tips" if that is too hard click on these lins homeuser tips
-- Edited by Sawasdee on Friday 12th of March 2010 12:51:48 PM
-- Edited by Sawasdee on Friday 12th of March 2010 12:54:24 PM
-- Edited by Sawasdee on Friday 12th of March 2010 12:55:45 PM
-- Edited by Sawasdee on Friday 12th of March 2010 12:56:33 PM