Have met A great Girl from Udon Thani. She wants to come to Perth for a holiday and I am realizing how much misinformation there is around in regards to visa applications.The Government Immigration web page seems confusing , so I called them up and spoke to some one in Melbourne .I was told I need to send a Statutory declaration ,bank statements and a Guarantee .Is it correct that I need a Statutory declaration just for someone to come here for a holiday? My friend will not be working while here its just a holiday, it seems like everything is cut and dry when you talk to someone on the Government info line ,however I dont think they clarify things adequately.I have only just begun to look into the visa application process and realize already its going to be a frustrating one . Why does it have to be so difficult just for someone from Thailand to come here for a holiday?
Formy opinion , when theAus Government Immigrationlet Thai people , they have to be sure Thaiswill not go to work there or go to Aus and not come back.
So if u want your Thai friend visit Aus by apply Travel visa the important document is:
1]The Certificate of work -show job title and salary [ It show that yr friend have stable me
job , have salary it made the Embassy sure yr friend does not go for workand will come
back Thai.
2]Financialstatement [6 mts] that show the acct movement
3]Inviting Letter frAus Host [U have to write such as
3.1Introduce yourself : yr address , job , family
3.2Attach yr financial statement [some Thai people Have the money leftBht 30,000.-on the acct can pass this subject if u have strength financial statement [ for travel visa].
3.3Write to show that u will support her everything such as ticket , food, place , cost of living during her travel.
3.4Yr passportthat show u ever visit Thai . [ Some Thai don’t have pics between Thai and Aus but she show Aus passport ]
3.5The message on the letter show u invite her to visit Aus ,take her to travel Aus , write her full name , passport no. , Thai ID Card no. , her birthday , age , attach her pic , her job, her job ‘s address , her phone , her company phone , and know her about 1 yr.
4]Picturebetween u and her [ Some Thai don’t have pics between Thai and Aus can use Aus passport show u ever visit thai , it is ok for some case ]
5]The letter between u and her , may be on internet , that show u and her know for 1-2 year . on the letter don’t show she will go for work.
If she apply for the first time , I suggest her should let the agent apply travel visa for her and the fee for agent should not more than Bht. 2,000.- [ travel visa] . the agent will suggestthe detail for making visa . Good Luck
Just a short note to thank you for the info Im sure it will help me in the future. I have been talking to my friend in Thailand and we have decided together that I will go there first for a short visit, and I think this is probably the best thing for me to do at this stage.I have never been to your country before so it will be an interesting experience .I will be trying to organize some time off work soon so I can go. Maybe after my visit there my friend will be more inspired to come here and see Western Australia.Plus it will look better for Immigration purposes too I guess if I have been there. Anyway thanks again for your kind support, may yours and my country grow together in relationship.
Hi Khun Rick, welcome to the Forum and your article is a "hot" topic
The comments from Khun Janis are very good. Janis visited Perth WA from Bangkok last year so she certainly has some experience and she kindly volunteered to display a travel diary ... see this link to tag words called homestay-wa
When your friend visits perth please consider being a volunteer for a travel diary. The Aussie Govt (Tourism office) will be grateful and of course it helps people in Thailand.
ok to answer your question
We created a special section in the forum to focus on the topic of "Visa for Thai" - click here
To put it simply - it's a massive problem!
warning for 1st timers The websites can be difficult for 1st timers, if they confuse, you will want to call someone and then you will face these obstacles when contacting
The Gov officers - they are difficult to approach; based on there view; that they are understaffed, overworked and under paid, therefore it's not their problem and you should be referring to the website (as they are busy)... there is some logics to this but it's the manner in which they dictate. Unfortunately some will say somethings that are not correct (it happens) so make sure you make it clear that you are recording their name and detail of their comments as a reference (this makes some people more accountable).
3rd party people Many are happy to give advice, but often it is not current knowledge - it's free but not accountable. so you must ask then competency questions.
Go to the experts In Aust - they are expensive (they are qualified sadly it does not mean they are articulate in the topic) In Thai - they have no credentials so it's not qualified - they (loving thais) offer to help but often it's not really helping
we continue to investigate with the view to create a recommended panel of people to contact - we are slow as we are volunteers
if you contact anyone of any office you must record their name and summary of the discussion as a reference and you should tell them that you are recording the detail to show you are relying on the info
we have created a website to help Thai Travel to WA - click here - be warned it is largely incomplete because we find it so difficult to collect data from Aust govt depts (what the) and we are not sure how the Thais like to see it displayed (but mainly because we don;t have the resources) ANYWAY there is a section called Immigration and we embedded the webpage that allows you to check visa types and download a checklist
As we progress thru the topic we will update the forum and website but for now be aware... the visa office is absolutely focused on protecting Australian soil (not helping you but your Country). You must focus on giving them as many comfort statements as possible then you make them happy and they will then make you happy..
-- Edited by Sawasdee on Tuesday 16th of February 2010 10:09:40 AM
Superb job man ! I simply appreciate your act becasue it is in the favor of people but let me ask too that what are the latest updates in Visa policies for year 2013 ?