Today.I have my friend be Aussie.He comment to me about PM. and Government Australia..
Aussie :Moving Australia Forward. I'm normally a very positive & happy person. I really do not like to think or act negative. However I feel that my country has just taken a very large leap into the dark ages. I think that we are about to start moving backwards at a very rapid rate. This is just my opinion. I have nothing personal against the lady that is now in power. But I seriously have doubts about the political party that she represents. As I said, this is just my opinion, and I really do hope that I am wrong, because I want to see my country prosper.
Thai :Hi…I received your comment .I am Thai and like study about Australia.Now.. Australian political weakness. And economic recession.I have many friends be Aussie.I hope Australia grow up.PM. is man or women.Australia must grow up with team government.I think so..
Aussie :You are very very correct with what you say about it not matter if the PM is man or woman. Australia needs to grow up. These are my sentiments exactly. They need to form a strong team. Unfortunetly the aussie government has a long history of fighting amongst themselves. also unfortunetly they seem to have a probem dealing with any issue that requires enough insite to project many years into the future. They see only the issues that will effect their short term in the government office.Have a great week.
it's always subject to opinion and sadly a lot of times we are not allowed to express our opinion
I agree with your aussie friend. Australia is not a stable ecomony under Labour.. I make this opinion based on historical evidence, not of the last 3 years but of the last 4 decades when Labour are in charge the batteries go flat...