updated: 2010-09-06 (we develop this help information for users and conformity in forum)
This is a 1st draft of a help on this topic - section fo the forum Helpful hints We try to make everything free and therefore you must give time to study the instructions or pay for a service... This is explained in our Value Proposition
1. If it's anything to do with the AusWaThai Mission statement please le us know at Auswathai and we will try to use our media resources to help you 2. You can try to follow the help info, if you have time please give us feedback 3. If you don't have the time you can pay a nominal fee to us or another member to process your post for you.
Best practices to promote your topic
1. The title... this is critical as the google search engine will use the information
title for Travel articles: title should be: location: Subject: topic: date (if applicable) we have a general section and region specific section - try to use otherwise we can move it for you later.
example of titles: Bangkok Tour bicyles ride Phuket - tour - Eelephant ride West Australia - Perth - Tour - Swimming with Dolphins Bangkok - Tour - Benjarsiri Park
title for Message board: topic subject location date (if applicable) example FOR sale - Home/Condo Thailand Bangkok WANTED - Thai Dancers for event in Perth December 2010 WANTED - Thai language tutor in Perth November 2010 HELP - Thai Women - how an I learn about them or their culture
Title for Comedy - please include the rating like in TV (rating F,M,R,V) family Mature or Rude Violent
2. Attaching items we have a post to explain the various types of things you can attach such as Photo, PDF, PPS and max file size.
3. Future event dates we have a post to epxlain that you should create a 2nd post about future dates and why... you creare 1 post about the event with all the details and a 2nd post, with a different title that focuses on the date.. see the help tips entry
4. TAG words these are very powerful and useful. there is a specific help article on tag (key) words - please browse