all helps/tips articles are in one section at this link
I will create a draft of these instructions and come back and update later
Except for (future events (by date) do not post the same item in several sections - we will delete it, unless it has dfferent title and content. The items can link back to each other but we do not allow duplication of articles.
Past and Present events What section of the forum? that's up to you - you or the moderator can shift it later
Title: To get the best result in google search engine we suggest you use this format Location - event - date (show in both languages if possible) example: Perth WA - Songkran Festival 10-04-2010 (Thai script)
Body of text you can show text, photos or videos, links to your website and attachments such as PDF flyers and more. Refer to the help section on how to insert and add attachments
Once you have made the article it will start populating into the google search engine. You can also send links to the article to your friends.
Tag words they are very useful - see info on tag words in the help section
Future events We have a special section called Event dates - link
Best practice for
Title: date (yyyy-mm-dd) - topic - location example: 201-09-18 Thai Function for Birthday event - Perth WA
Body of Text same as for Past and Present. You should create 2 articles 1. based ont he Past and presnet format, then 2. article for the Future events title and in the body of the text just make a brief mention fo the details with a link to the 1st article
why 2 articles both articles will go into google search and the forum in differnet ways by listing in the events section by date it will be sorted by date
Bonus Most all of the members to this forum receive a weekly digest of posts/articles. The posts are presented as a 1 line summary under each section so . to make it easier for the readers if they see the post under the section fo Event Dates and the 1st data is the date then they can quickly recognise when and then what
Next - use Calendars to promote future events 1. the forum has a calendar - try a brief listing (we don't know if it receives much traffic) 2. AusWaThai Calendar of events.. If the topic relates to Aus & Thai please also submit request to our Auswathai calendar link, our AusWaThai readers & Travellers will see it and click the link back to the forum article