2. Click here to convert this page to thai language (wait 10 seconds for conversion) Note: Translation Disclaimer.Many pages are automated by Google translator for free and may not be accurate (something is better than nothing). 2.คลิกที่นี่เพื่อแปลงเพจนี้เพื่อภาษาไทย (รอ 10 วินาทีสำหรับการสนทนา) หมายเหตุ:คำชี้แจงสิทธิแปล.มีหลายหน้าอัตโนมัติโดย Google แปลฟรีและอาจไม่ถูกต้อง (สิ่งที่ไม่มีอะไรจะดีกว่า).
if you selected option 2 and did not reach the correct webpage please notify the author of the article. The author has not changed the link from this page to their page.
The following tips are to create links to translate language within the forum webpages you can use the tips to create links to translate any webpage We only show the links to translate English to thai but the screen shows options to translate to many other languages
Include a comment for the user to convert the entire forum
include a link to translate your specific page (can use this option for any webpage)
include a link to our Translator website so the user can learn to translate
Help tips: The translation of the comment was made in the translator (we show you how inn the links below) The pain = The user must remember where to find your article within the forum The gain = The user reads all introduction info on the home page includes links to our other websites
include a link to translate your specific forum page (can use this option for any webpage)
Notes: within this website you can translate a webpage but it might not fit properly. If you want to read many pages and record the Link do the following:-
Select one of these options – it will create a separate page (more room to display and create a link)
A separate window will now display
Now Tab or flip windows to display the webpage that you wan to translate so that you can see the URL (website address) and copy it
Now paste the address into the translator page
Now, press the translate button and google will translate the page with all links. This example is translation of a page in English to Thai
Please note – the translation is not perfect but it’s free and better then nothing
(must press return at the end of the date to create a hyperlink (a hyperlink will change the colour of the text and if you click on it you will link to the location) The link is most un attractive and looks complicated so we make it look better by doing the following
1. Create a short message and hide the hyperlink behind the words Example: Use this comment .. copy and paste this comment into your forum page
Click here to convert this page to thai language (wait 10 seconds for conversation) Note: Translation Disclaimer.Many pages are automated by Google translator for free and may not be accurate (something is better than nothing).
คลิกที่นี่เพื่อแปลงเพจนี้เพื่อภาษาไทย (รอ 10 วินาทีสำหรับการสนทนา) หมายเหตุ:คำชี้แจงสิทธิแปล.มีหลายหน้าอัตโนมัติโดย Google แปลฟรีและอาจไม่ถูกต้อง (สิ่งที่ไม่มีอะไรจะดีกว่า).
Note: We converted the message from English to thai in the language translator Now we have created a simple message we must hide (attach the hyperlink) to the comment, to do this we you post the text to the forum article (see example)
now select the hyperlink button (see where the arrow is pointing to the chain)
A special hyperlink window will appear for you to complete the link details
In the URL you copy and paste the long website address from the translation page (copy is above)
Press insert and the text will now change colour because the hyperlink is attached behind the words.
Test the process. Save the submission then view the window and click on the link to test the result.
include a link to direct the user to our Translator website so they can learn how to translate any webpage
2. Click here to convert this page to thai language (wait 10 seconds for conversation) Note: Translation Disclaimer.Many pages are automated by Google translator for free and may not be accurate (something is better than nothing). 2.คลิกที่นี่เพื่อแปลงเพจนี้เพื่อภาษาไทย (รอ 10 วินาทีสำหรับการสนทนา) หมายเหตุ:คำชี้แจงสิทธิแปล.มีหลายหน้าอัตโนมัติโดย Google แปลฟรีและอาจไม่ถูกต้อง (สิ่งที่ไม่มีอะไรจะดีกว่า).
if you selected option 2 and did not reach the correct webpage please notify the author of the article. The author has not changed the link from this page to their page.
To know how to place the data inside the frames and add colour you must use a word document,
Open a word document, select Tables, create the tables (frames) you require, apply the text and links and then select the colour shading options.
Translating several words or a single webpage Visit www.auswathai.com and use the translator options shown above